
Nutrition Development for Rohingya Refugees and Host Communities (NDRRHC)

In order to address Rohingya Refugee crisis and supporting to the Host Communities, BASD implemented 6 following Projects in Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar among several camps and served the communities through madicines, Corona prevention equiptments, tents, buckets, installed solar pannel, water tank, waste dustbin. Besides, BASD trained-up permaculture design course (PDC) both in Rohingya and host communities so that the targeted beneficiaries have been practiced vegetable gardening through organic fertilizers using their  lands and homestead and thus being able to consume those in the families and ensured nutrition intake. The communities properly used local seeds in their gardening through different beds, using vermin compost, liquid compost, herbal pesticices, produced huge vegetables which are totally chemical free as well. Presently, they continued to work in the garden, produced huge vegetables, selling those and earning money even. So far, BASD implemented below projects very effectively and efficiently through generious support of Tearfund, Australia. Through capacity building training on permaculture design course (PDC), it has been possible to bring unbelievable changes within the families of Rohingya and host communities. The trained women participants seriously continued practice of the learning and habituated on organic gardening including use of vermi composting.

BASD implemented the following projects phase by phase among Rohingya and host communities:

  • Project Name:“Permaculture Training and Follow-up Project for the Refugee Families & Bengali Host Community for better living”, Donor: Quaker Service Australia, Duration: 7 January-6 July 2019.- completed successfully
  • Project Name:“Permaculture Project for Bengali & Rohingya Refugee”, Donor: Quaker Service Australia, Duration: 1 Nov. 2019-30 April 2020.- completed successfully
  • Project Name: “Emergency Assistance for Rohingya Regugee People”, Donor: LUSH Limited, Duration: 28 June-30 Sep. 2018.- completed successfully
  • Project Name: “Assistance for the Rohingya Refugees & Bengali Host Committee”, Donor: LUSH Limited, Duration: 1 March-30 September 2019.- completed successfully
  • Project Name: “Assistance for the Rohingya Refugees Community”,Donor: LUSH Limited, Duration: Duration: 1 March-31 July 2020.- completed successfully
  • Project Name: Permaculture Gardening for Nutrition Development for the Rohingya Refugees & Host Communitie (PGNDRR & HC) Project: Dec’21 to May’22.- completed successfully
  • Project Name: Permaculture Gardening for Nutrition Development for Rohingya Refugees & Host Communities – Second Phase (PGNDRRHC) Project: 16 July 2022 to 15 January 2023.- ongoing.

BASD very successfully implemented & completed the above projects through engagement of camp leaders (Majhi), CIC, RRRC, local Govt., UNO, Govt. sectors and related stakeholders and submitted reports including completion reports to the donors as well as government including audit reports. During above mentioned phases, the projects reached to about 65000 project beneficiaries and brought changes in their lives.
