BASD formed 20 self-help groups in different villages of Chila Union. To supervise these groups a Network was formed, named Chila Network, Dated: 17th October 2017. Various activities of the network were being disrupted due to poor communication and transportation system during the COVID-19 situation. To cover the running costs of the network, BASD gave a small grant for small businesses through ÒCapacity Enhancement and Resource Integration for Area Resilience Project” funded by Tear Australia.
Receiving this grant a shop started which named – “Women’s Business Point”. Ms. Shipra Baroi, treasurer of the network, who took the charge for this shop. Here the dress, groceries, organic vegetables and seeds are sold which produced by the Network’s members. Although the shop was not well known at first, now many people from the area, including network members, come to the shop for buying their necessary things. Now the local people need not to go to the Mongla market to buy the seeds, vegetables & dress. On an average, Tk. 400/500 comes per day from the sale. The profit is about 800/1000 taka per month.
It is the sincere hope of everyone in the network including Shipra that-“This shop will be a big business point one day. They will be able to cover all the operating expenses of the network from here”. Seeing the success other two Networks- Chandapi and Mongla Network are also planning for this kind of initiative. All the members of Chila Network thanked and gratitude to BASD and the Donor for this support.