
Capacity Enhancement and Resource Integration for Area Resilience (CERIAR)

The CERIAR Project was launched in 2005 starting from Banishanta (Dacope) and later the project location transferred to Mongla (Bagerhat) through generous support of Tearfund, Australia. The project is still implementing its interventions for capacity building of 64 self-help groups (SHGs) and 3 networks (CBOs) in Mongla Municipality (MM), Chila and Chandpai Unions.

All of them are registered by the government. They are maintaining good relationship with local government representatives, local elites, Govt. sectors, other NGOs and CBOs through which all of them can work jointly coming to a same platform for the wellbeing of children. Each of the networks have average 465 to 470 member where there is about BDT 39,00,000.00 savings and BDT 93,66,456.00 loan outstanding and the rate of loan recovery is more than 85%. Whereas, in the past, loan recovery rate was 98% which has been fallen below due to COVID 19 and government declared lockdown. 

In addition, there are 12 child clubs within the three mentioned areas and about 20 local schools are very positive to work together with BASD which are considered as strengths and assets towards going ahead as well as enhance women empowerment and sustainability as well. Through support Tearfund Australia, BASD has been implementing Capacity Enhancement and Resource Integration for Area Resilience (CERIAR) Project in Mongla Upazila since 2009 which continued to till 30 June 2023. The main objectives of the donor support were to build capacity and skills of the communities specially women, build awareness on climate change resilience, ecovillage and permaculture development, organic gardening and women empowerment. Again, the same donor committed to support for the most vulnerable communities in Chila and Chandpai unions particularly for technical skill development through project named “Technical Skill Development Project” which will be continued for a period of 6 months starting from 01 July 2023 to 31 December 2023. More than thousands of impact stories are there where Mongla communities can witness their successes and presently enjoying better livelihoods through increased level of leading their livelihoods and found the way of successes as well. It has been recorded than 180,000 project participants were reached through project support through the support of Tearfund Australia. Hence, the communities, local government, Upazila Govt Officials, NGOs, stakeholders and partners expressed thanks and gratitude to donor too.
